We are investors and scholars striving to use ESG to boost investment returns.
Arvella Investments runs the initiative. Founded by a former managing director of Goldman Sachs, Arvella is an award-winning investment management boutique based in Paris.
The Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance became our research partner.
Other investors and scholars contribute to ad hoc projects.
CIO, Arvella Investments
Scientific Adviser, MacroLucid Research
Faculty Director, Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance
CIO, Davy
Economist, US Federal Reserve
Sustainable Investor, Arvella Investments
Sustainable Investor, Arvella Investments
Finance Department, HEC Paris
CEO, Pensions for Purpose
Responsible Investment Analyst, Fulcrum
Deputy CIO, Arvella Investments
Deputy COO, Arvella Investments
Sustainable Investor, Arvella Investments