Explore how improving 13 key ESG variables could raise the valuation of over 2500 firms worldwide
Improving material E, S or G practices can boost shareholder value. The intuition is simple: stronger ESG means more resilient corporates, which financial markets price accordingly.
The Engagement Maximiser identifies which E, S or G improvement(s) could raise shareholder value most for each firm.
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Typical results are pictured below.
Disclaimer: The Engagement Maximiser only uses quantitative data, and thus may show a limited view of a company’s ESG performance. It may not capture all financially material ESG issues, especially for certain sectors. A different approach to ESG metrics may lead to contrasting results. The data represent a snapshot in time and may be inaccurate. The use of the Engagement Maximiser should therefore always be supplemented by in-depth company research. MSCI is the ESG data provider for the Engagement Maximiser.